
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our purpose is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, assist widows, orphans and other needy individuals. We also lead and direct all missionary efforts, foreign and domestic of Agape Community Church.

Missionary Leaders

Deaconess Rachel Harris

Minister Peggy LaBon
Vice -President

Evangelist Donna Todd

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom in our upcoming mission events

Warmth For the Winter- Hats, gloves, and scarfs donations-Contact any Deaconess
Thanksgiving Dinner- Gift card donations and meals at the Senior Center-Contact any Missionary
Angel Tree Project- providing children of incarcerated parents Christmas gifts.-Contact any Missionary
Donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, and  deodorant- Contact Cynthia Cohens